Women of Worship & Warfare​
Vision and Mission Statement
Training women to use their weapons, by gearing them for battle and preparing them for awareness of the strategies of the enemy.
Mission Statement
Committed to train women to rise up as a God fearing woman, a warrior for the Kingdom of God. Teaching her how to use her weapons of warfare, her Sword – which is The Word of God – so that she may be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy. God has equipped her for the work of the ministry.
Women of Worship & Warfare​
Statement of Faith
We believe the Holy Bible and all its contents.
We believe that the Word of God is Truth as the guideline to our way of living.
Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.
We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His substitutionary death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His high priestly ministry, and His personal return in power and glory.
We believe that man is sinful by nature, that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for salvation, and that salvation is a free gift of God’s grace received by personal faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the resurrection of the saved and of the lost; of the saved, into everlasting life and fellowship with God, and of the lost, to eternal conscious judgment and separation from God.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believer is sealed until the day of redemption, and by whose filling, the believer is empowered to live a godly life.
We believe that because all power and authority in heaven and on earth has been given to the Lord Jesus Christ, He has sovereignly directed His church (the Body of Christ) to evangelize (preach His gospel of Good News) and edify (make disciples of) people of every nation. It is therefore the work of every member of the body of Christ to carry out this great commission.
We believe that the Love of God is the greatest force in the universe, because God is Love and His Love never fails. As the church learns to speak the truth in His Love, build itself up in the Love of God, and walk in the sanctified life of Christ in the Love of God, people will be drawn to Jesus Christ. It is the "loving kindness" of the Lord that brings men to repentance.
We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.